Dixie Inland Yacht Racing Association
The Dixie Inland Yacht Racing Association (DIYRA) was organized to promote the sport of sailing on southeastern inland lakes through sailboat racing, educational activities, and providing a member forum. DIYRA was founded in 1961 and has grown from the original three clubs to over twenty member sailing organizations. Membership in the association is provided through club membership and individual membership, which accommodates all classifications of area sailors.
DIYRA is a member of the United States Sailing Association and is located within US SAILINGs Area D, which also includes South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association (SAYRA), Gulf Yachting Association (GYA) and the Florida Sailing Association (FSA). DIYRA provides important representation to the national and regional sailing organizations that govern our sport, provides access to national championship regattas, and publishes an annual membership directory and schedule of regattas. DIYRA is part of the US SAILING formal protest appeals route. DIYRA also sponsors area training seminars and coordinates activities of member organizations.